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New Jim Carlson Stuff

Hello faithful reader(s)!

Been working on two web geek things:

1. A Jim Carlson Facebook 'Band' Page. Facebook's functionality keeps getting better and better. In fact, using Facebook is much easier than MySpace, especially on posting and inviting people to my gigs. [The new page allows me to invite all my 'fans' to a gig with one click....nice.] There are also areas for fans to upload photos, videos and create discussion boards.

So, feel free to head over to the new page and 'fan' me! [Don't worry MySpacer's....I'll keep updating my MySpace Jim Carlson Music page.]

2. I've been tossing around creating a new marketing blog that deals with internet marketing, mobile marketing, social marketing and music marketing. The irony is that I learned internet marketing to promote my music, especially my "Out of Fashion" time, internet marketing became my day job. So without further ado, I present my new blog: JimCarlsonDotNet.

What you can expect: This blog will continue to be my personal/performance blog and an area to share tidbits that are important to what I do. JimCarlsonDotNet will deal with broader marketing topics; but as in the case of my post on mobile blogging, some of the content will be related to things you see here, only in broader marketing terms.

The DotNet will also have links to relevant content and articles already published in the blogsphere. I don't pretend to know everything, so passing along information and having guest writers will, hopefully, allow for various perspectives and an exchange of ideas.
Thanks for reading and continuing to support my various endeavors!


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