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A Year in the Life - 2009 In Review

Personally, I hate year-end wrap ups. They are self indulgent, self righteous and generally of no interest to the general public (let alone people who know you). That said, here goes:

I really have no New Year's Resolutions for 2010. 2009 was a year of continued change and in many ways, a year of refining focus. If anything, it can be said that 2009 was the foundation for 2010, and the important thing is to stay on task.

So, what are the highlights?
  • After years of struggling to find consistency with my workouts, 2009 found remarkable consistency. I (generally) worked out 3 days a week. These workouts were quick, to the point, and proved to help me balance the stress that life can bring. I still need to work on more cardio, but every workout needs to be measured and adjusted on a continual basis.
  • Food. I love food, and my lifestyle lends itself to lots of meals on the run. When I eat out, I like to eat things that most health experts will tell you are not quite up to par. Last year I started cooking more, making prepared meals for later, packing snacks and when I do eat out....I've made better choices. The plus is that I'm spending less cash and eating better...which is two birds with one shot.
  • Along with diet changes, I've considerably reduced my consumption of alcohol. This wasn't a contrived decision, it happened naturally. When you work out, eat healthy, you start thinking about what you put in your body, and the consequences. Quite frankly, the benefits of a good workout and good sleep outweighed the desire to tip 'em back. This isn't to say that I've become a prude, I've just found better balance. And, yes, I'll drink to good health, just not all night.
  • Sleep. I love to sleep. Naps are my friend. 2009 found me almost finding the ever elusive sleep schedule my musician lifestyle has destroyed. Still a work in progress, but sleep is where it all starts. Without sleep it is easy to eat crappy food and skip workouts. It is a vicious cycle that can easily lead anyone away from a healthy lifestyle. It is actually simple: Sleep, Eat Well, Workout and practice a bit-o-temperance.
Now, I haven't turned into a health nut, and I won't lecture you if you choose a different path. For me, 2009 reinforced the simple truth: Taking care of yourself is the key to enjoying life. Poor health is often a result of choices, and without good health, life is more difficult.

2009 also saw other pretty big changes that will spill into 2010. Two years ago, my wardrobe was incredibly casual. Dressing up was a struggle, and I rarely enjoyed it.

Well, changing jobs certainly helped. Let me clarify, no one told me to step up my game, it happened naturally. There are times and places where presentation enforces talent. Dressing poorly distracts people from your message, regardless of the message.

I actually laughed the other day when I realized I had more dress clothes and shoes than casual. And the biggest laugh was when I realized that I actually liked the change.

Music Wrap Up

2009 found me performing less. This wasn't originally intentional, but actually became a goal. The main reason is a quality of life issue. With improved health goals, late nights in bars just didn't seem as important anymore...especially when I had client meetings in the morning.

Also, I decided to return to the studio. It's been a few years since "Out of Fashion" was released. Hell, U2 has released 2 CD's since, Scott Street Pub is gone and Downtown Wausau has 6 new buildings (Jefferson Street Inn/City Grill, Palladian, Jefferson Street Parking Ramp, Dudley Building, New Wausau Eye Clinic, Wausau Benefits/Wipfli Building). Bout time, eh?

Returning to writing and recording has been rather enjoyable (a huge contrast to the now abandoned "Further Out" sessions). The goal is for a release in 2010. That's a goal, not a promise.

Obviously, I'm still playing out...just less. Balance.


In conclusion, 2009 was about finding a better balance in my life. Although there has been considerable progress, I still have things to work on. Life is about adjusting and learning, and that never ends. Funny, the more balanced life has been getting, the fewer distractions and diversions I've been encountering. Starkly simple.

Here's to you. I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for in 2010.


Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Hideji said…
Impressive! To find yourself through your trials and focusing on them, before they cause tribulation. Whaat a wise way to live the blessed life. If you think someone would call you a prude or self-rightous...let them, and hopefully they will remember you when theey start to realize the way you think and handle your responsibilities to yourself is on point. ~Grant

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