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I seem to have been in flux for some time now.

In November 2006, I decided to take a break from regular performances. Although I have returned to performing, I have not even approached the volume of gigs I left behind in 2006. Best yet, I don't care. I like performing, and it is fun again. I simply don't allow my performance schedule to control my life.

July 2007, I downsized from a 2000 square foot town house to an almost 800 square foot former suite in an old hotel. I sorted through my life, and walked away from two thirds of my worldly possessions. It is amazing how much of our lives is spent collecting things that are really unessential and unimportant. It is also noteworthy that we spend a lot of time maintaining things we don't need.

July 2008, I left my job of 18 years. Think about that for a second. My generation is noted for job hopping and lack of company loyalty. 18 years is a long time in today's era. I didn't leave because I was bitter (sure, there were moments), it simply was time to move on. It didn't hurt that my new job offered me a much better time/life balance.... Time and money are two commodities that you can't get enough of.

I'm not sure where I'll end up, and that is ok. I feel better than I have in years, and because of this I am looking forward to whatever tomorrow brings.


Virtualsprite said…
Good for you. Finding balance is always important, whether it's downsizing or upsizing. It's strange how as you get older and grow into yourself how things change.

I know it took me a while, but I'm finally feeling centered myself, and where I landed is definitely not where I thought I would be. But it's all good.
Jim Carlson said…
Are we growing up, virtualsprite?
Virtualsprite said…
Yeah... I think we probably are. We can't party like rock stars forever. Besides, you've seen me when I've had less than eight hours of sleep. It's not pretty.

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