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Four Weeks Running, I mean Walking

Tomorrow will mark the end of the fourth week I have been walking to work - everyday.

Walking to work is nothing new for me, it only takes about seven minutes each way. I usually walk to work 2-3 days a week. There are days, of course, where it is practical to have a car [running errands, further out appointments, Wisconsin weather].

It started innocently enough. I didn't set out to see 'how long can I go with out driving'. I wasn't inspired by the size of my carbon footprint. I didn't even watch a documentary about the demise of our planet. Truth be told, I wasn't attempting to start a health kick. Gas prices? Nope, I have a very fuel efficient car and I only had to fill every 2-3 weeks anyway. I just decided on March 10th to walk to work.

When Tuesday the 11th came around, I had places to be after work, but thought, "I'll just walk back and get my car later". Day after day, I walked. I really didn't think much about it until last week when I realized that I was streaking on a streak of sorts.

The funny thing is this "Spring" has had really unseasonable weather, and even the rain/snow/slush/100 mile an hour winds haven't stopped me.

Lunch? Most days I walk back home to eat. That is 28 min of walking a day with little thought.

Today, while walking into work, it hit me: I don't even think of driving in anymore. It is pretty much automatic, I'm hoofing it. Eventually, I'm sure I'll have a reason to drive (maybe suddenly I'll have the desire to see how many days I can drive into work or I'll decide it is too nice to walk) and my streak will end. I'll keep you posted.


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