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It's been a while....

'It’s been a while since you’ve been around
A stranger to this town - An empty lost and found'

When Love Dies from the forthcoming Jim Carlson album Further Out

For the last four months, I've been quiet. It is not that things are not happening, I'd just rather not talk about the details (or the generalities, for that matter).

I've started several posts and writing them has been reflective and therapeutic, but I just couldn't hit the 'publish' button. Sometimes this media seems rather self indulgent.

Musically, things have been interesting. On the Saturday before Saint Patrick's Day, The Jim Carlson Trio hit the stage at Mickey's Billiards with an unconventional line up that included John Hocker on bass along with former Les Nillissen Band drummer Dave Keefe and Cool Hand front man Rob Piehl on rhythm / lead guitar. The trio was once again a four piece.

Now it is not unusual to see Rob and I on stage together, but historically I'm playing rhythm guitar and Rob is singing (Doc Holiday, Cool Hand). Although Rob is a regular guest at Trio shows (where the Trio backs him up), this was his first full gig backing me up.

Line up changes are not that uncommon with the Trio. Within the last year three drummers (Dave, Sean McCue & Brian Miller) have appeared as well as two bassists (John and Roger Bardo -- who have also shared rhythm guitar and bass duties at a few shows). There have also been two additional guitarists (Will Heisler and Rob).

Musically all the musicians bring something different to the table and for me, that keeps things on the edge. I never know what is about to happen, and quite frankly, that is a great part of the fun. Did I mention that we pull off these shows without rehearsal? It is like balancing a powder keg in a fire storm....

Another musical note: Local singer songwriter Charlie Solomon sat in with me a few nights ago @ Malarkey's Pub. If you get a chance, check him out. Hopefully, we'll get a chance to play again.

Work on Further Out continues, but there is no imminent release date at this time. Stay tuned.


Virtualsprite said…
Glad to see you back. I missed the show at Mickey's... hell, I've missed almost all of them since the kidlets came along, but I'm looking forward to the new album.

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