For a while now, I've been privately writing on the impact choices have on our lives, and the lives of others.
The theory of choices is endless. One choice leads to another, which leads to another; ad nausea. Before long, these choices make up our lives. Some of these choices are conscious, some are not.
Now sure, there are times in life when we are at the mercy of other's actions. This can be random or the result of placing ourselves in compromising positions.
My basic conclusion of an extremely complex theory is simple: The decisions we make today form our future.
The theory of choices is endless. One choice leads to another, which leads to another; ad nausea. Before long, these choices make up our lives. Some of these choices are conscious, some are not.
Now sure, there are times in life when we are at the mercy of other's actions. This can be random or the result of placing ourselves in compromising positions.
My basic conclusion of an extremely complex theory is simple: The decisions we make today form our future.