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Green Note in Camden Town, UK

Hello from London.

Nothing went as planned. I forgot my directions, picks, CD's and business cards at the hotel by Paddington Station. Camden is North of London, and by the time I realized that I was without my stuff, there was no turning back. Thank goodness there was cheap internet service in Camden, and within a few minutes of arriving at the Tube station, things started making sense again.

Camden is a town with a large punk/goth/rock/alternative scene. The place was happening, as the locals (and tourists) checked out Camden Market, the local shops (tattoos, piercings, leather goods, music...) and the locks.

The Green Note itself is a small (vegetarian) bar about two blocks from the tube station. I signed up early (Then stepped out to take in the sights). By the time I arrived back at the Green Note, the lead off act was on. I was the first 'open mic' guest, and thanks to a generous table mate, I had found a loner guitar to perform with.

The performance went rather quickly. The audience was attentive for all the acts, listening and whispering at most when the players performed. This is a bit different that what I am used to back at home. All of the performers were quite refined, and the variety of music covered a wide range of styles (covers, originals, finger style and flat picking).

Special thanks to Siobhan and the staff at the bar!


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