I've always been fascinated with pubic transportation. As a young child, I traveled across the United States several times on a Greyhound bus. There were also random bus trips to visit cousins, and other assorted family and friends. In my twenties, I fell in love with the rail system in Europe. There is a certain freedom that comes from jumping on a train and passing the time watching the world go by at 180 miles per hour (Brussels to Paris; high speed rail). I consider myself fortunate, I don't have to rely on public transportation. Even though I am on the road quite a bit, I have a reliable vehicle, and rarely think twice before jumping in and hitting the road. Since the Jefferson Lines added Central Wisconsin to their service map, I've been itching to hop aboard and see for myself what it would be like crossing the state on a regularly scheduled ride. Last weekend, I decided to leave my car in Wausau, car pool with two different parties to save over 400 miles of ...
The official blog of Central Wisconsin Singer Songwriter and Internet Strategist Jim Carlson.