For years, I received sweaters as gifts. I accepted them, and promptly never wore them. See the problem was that sweaters and I just didn't get along. It wasn't that I didn't like the look of sweaters I had received. They were quite nice. In fact, they weren't gaudy. You'd unlikely wear one to an ugly sweater party. The problem was me. I simply was too hot for sweaters. No, I'm not being conceited here. I have always been warm blooded. Put me in a sweater, and I'd burn up. Too hot. A bucket of sweat. Fast forward to the Winter of 2010. This winter has been cold. For example today was -17F below zero. So anyway, I've raided my (almost vintage) unworn sweaters this year. They are very nice, and I'm thankful that I have them. If you've given me a sweater in the last few years and were upset that I never wore it, I think I might have worn it yesterday. Or the day before. Or it will be worn later this week. Thank you.
The official blog of Central Wisconsin Singer Songwriter and Internet Strategist Jim Carlson.